Six months sober.

Tomorrow I will have been sober for six months. What a six months indeed. I feel like a completely different person. Oh wait, that’s because I am. Some observations of my journey to find my freedom so far:

1. Some days my feelings don’t seem to stay put but rush around and around searching for the sneaky voice to catch them and then hook me back to blotting them out with booze. I will never let that evil back into my life.

2. Just when I least expect it, a memory will surface from a long ago supressed place sending cold shivers of shame through me until the new me, the real me, faces it and accepts the pain and shame for what it is, allowing myself to heal a little bit more.

3. Mornings are my new favourite thing because there is nothing like slowly waking up to crystal clear sobriety.

4. Coffee tastes that little bit better because I no longer need it to jumpstart the day.

5. Guilt is a thing of the past. It no longer haunts me, scares me or controls me. I have made amends with those I needed to. It wasn’t easy but I am proud that I did.

6. Acceptance has become part of who I am. I cannot control my addiction and so I choose to accept it and abstain. This is a good choice.

Each day brings challenges but I will face them with my lovely friend, sobriety.

5 thoughts on “Six months sober.”

  1. Well done on six months! That’s huge. I resonate with all these points, especially #2. Those memories pack a punch, and the key is acceptance. I also like #4 (I’m drinking coffee now). : )


    1. Thanks Robert, I was thinking of you just the other day as we are on a similar time frame (and the same profession too) so well done to you too! I’ve just marked a set of exams and am off to get coffee now 🙂


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